2. Coffee Junkie (Recipes Included)

4 Jul

Coffee. For some it’s a weekly drink that changes  the flavor pallet and gives a small jolt of energy. And if your like my parents, it is like your daily dose of heroine. I used to be obsessed with coffee about a year ago. I didn’t quite mind the boost of energy it gave me, Just the flavors it could be shaped to. Word of advice: Don’t make a strawberry mocha unless you know what your doing. I have tried numerous recipes and over the months i had looked i actually have quite a good ones. So whether your looking for a change or just need a quick fix to your addiction here are a few recipes that should satisfy any coffee lovers pallet.- AntiCoffee

Thai Iced Coffee:

2 tsp cardamom, ground
4 tbs sugar
4 tbs heavy cream
1 tsp almond extract

Brew 4 cups of coffee in whatever manner you like, blending the ground cardamom in with the grounds before brewing. Add sugar and almond to the hot coffee, and stir.Refrigerate until fully chilled. Serve in a tall glass over crushed ice. Add a spoon of cream to each glass, just before serving. Serves 4

White Chocolate Coffee:
3 oz white chocolate, chopped
2 cups half n half
2 cups hot coffee
Whipped cream (optional)Heat the half n half and chocolate together in a saucepan until melted and smooth. Stir in coffee and serve with whipped cream on top.
1 cup hot brewed coffee
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon white sugar
2 tablespoons milk
Pour hot coffee into a mug. Stir in cocoa, sugar and milk.

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